
  • Servant: Person who belongs to Donum Christi community (Servants of the Servant) and has committed to work for the poor and needed people.
  • Laborious servant: works on activities to support the homeless.
  • Messenger servant: discloses the work and gets new servants.
  • Prayer servan: prays daily for fruitfulness of the community.
  • Preacher servant: eaches and introduces the Word of God and the magisterium of the holy mother church.
  • Provident servant: supports with resources monthly. It can be money, food or clothes. Those resources finance everything required to support homeless service.
  • Patient servant: member and devoted to the community and committed with all activities who made temporary vows of humility, service and obedience.
  • Servita Servan: member and devoted to the community and committed with all activities who made permanent vows of humility, service and obedience.
  • Community Pillar: member who lead the community across different ministries and geographies.
  • Turret: Group of young people who plan and conduct playful activities to help youth to get close to Christ and community works.
  • Lectio Divina: is a traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God's Word. It does not treat Scripture as texts to be studied, but as the Living Word.
  • Patio: Place where service and works to homeless and poor people take place. Mainly to provide food, hug of love and Gods word.
  • Service: Set of activities who teach us to discover Christ present on all God creatures.
  • Vows: Promises made to our God for a temporary space of time or lifelong
  • Miserito: It is the name by which the community calls those who deserve God's mercy. They may be poor, homeless, children, the elderly, the sick, persons deprived of liberty and even the same servants.