
¿How can you help?

  • First you must know the work through a server to show you, be with you and integrate you into the community.
  • Have your heart ready to learn and to serve according to your charisma and your dedication to service.
  • Have and spend some time in your weekly chore for your service to the needy brethren. (Minimum two hours a week, the day you prefer)
  • To strongly commit to serve in one of the service points in need.
  • To accompany with your constant prayer in everything that you are going to do from now on.

¿How can you join the community?

You can belong, be a member and serve in this holy community by:

  • As laborious Server, who helps by working in charity to the “miseritos” (mendicant).
  • As a messenger server which discloses the work and gets new servers.
  • As a praying server; praying daily for the fertility of the deeds of the community.
  • As a preacher server, who teaches and discloses the word of God and the teaching of Holy Mother Church.
  • As provident monthly Server that provides resources either in cash or in any kind, to finance and support services to the miseritos (mendicant).
  • As patient brother, consecrated member in the community and committed to every activity of the community.

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